Bois de la Cambre

First posted on Facebook and Twitter on Thurs 24 Mar 2019, 16:00

Written on the day of the European Council meeting that would grant the first delay to Brexit.

On my way to Bois de la Cambre at the edge of Brussels, I passed through a city buzzing with democratic life.

The European Parliament was heaving, heads of government were converging on Schuman Square, and pan-European party gatherings were humming with energy across the city.

The squares and parks in between bustled with student climate marchers, small but lively demonstrations, and a lot of people (and dogs) out enjoying the sun. 2019 is a big year for the European Union. On days like this, you can feel it in the warm spring air.

The twisted picture of Brussels and the EU force-fed to us by the British political establishment is entirely and sickeningly false. After decades of social conditioning, it is a difficult realisation to grasp. European democracy has a long and rocky way to go – but witnessing what has emerged from a war-torn continent is nothing short of a miracle.

This city is the beating heart of that miracle. Here is the Union we deserve. Not the arrogant imperialistic carcass slowly rotting across the Channel.

Time for a walk in the woods.

#ScotlandInEurope #AlbaSanRoinnEòrpa