Old Blogs

I’ve dabbled in blogging before, and ended up sprawling thoughts clumsily across the internet. So hopefully Ishneich’ll tie my mad ramblings together in a more coherent way.

But as messy as my previous blogs were, and as different as I am now from when I started them (Not that long ago, but come on, I’m at a very fast-paced stage of life), I’m still pretty proud of them.

Gna’s Blag (January – September 2014): Bizarre anecdotes, quirky life lessons, and odd whiteboard scrawlings. This was good fun while it lasted!

Gna’s Rant (September – November 2014): Late 2014 was pretty charged with political energy, and I felt like I’d spontaneously combust if I didn’t find somewhere to vent. This short-lived politics-fest was the result!

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